Refractive Surgery
Frequently Asked Questions
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Will I see better than with my contacts or glasses after the surgery?
No, LASIK or PRK does not improve the level of your vision. It may be said it improves your vision in the sense that you may no longer need to wear corrective lenses to see. But it does not cure or improve vision problems such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, lazy eye, etc.
Can I still wear contacts after laser vision correction?
Very few people need full time correction after the surgery. When under correction occurs it is usually to such a slight degree “part time” wear of glasses for special circumstances is usually adequate. In the rare case, yes contact lenses can be fit.
What are the risks?
No web page nor even a one on one discussion with your doctor could ever cover every possible risk. But some of the possible ones are:
Blurred vision
Loss of clarity or contrast of vision
(Many of the above symptoms are similar to problems with contact lenses). Recent studies have indicated contact lenses may pose a greater risk than LASIK surgery
What will some of my postoperative instructions be after laser vision correction?
Do not rub your eye for seven days. Do not rub your eye for seven days. Do not rub your eye for seven days. (This is repeated 3 times because of its importance. Rubbing the eye in this period could dislodge the corneal flap and require another procedure and greatly slow healing)
Wear a protective shield home from the surgery and at bedtime for seven days.
No makeup for seven days.
No swimming or hot tubs for seven days.
Use your drops as instructed.
My glasses are thick, am I a candidate for laser vision correction?
There are a LOT of factors that need to be evaluated to determine if a patient is a candidate. Some guidelines are:
+6.00 to -14.00 diopters; up to 4 diopters of astigmatism
21 years of age (per Dr. Ahdieh, the FDA says 18 for nearsightedness)
A stable prescription
For CustomVue the range is smaller:
-9.00 diopters of nearsighted
-3.00 diopters of astigmatism
More personal criteria are also measured to make the final determination if you a are a candidate​
How long will my laser vision correction last?
The procedure is designed to last for the rest of your life. Current information indicates the cornea when modified will remain stable once the healing is done and it will stay modified permanently. There have been cases of regression (the nearsightedness or farsightedness returning), but they have been rare and have been retreatable.
Will the procedure hurt?
Both PRK and LASIK are designed to be painless. Anesthetic drops will be used just before the surgery begins to ensure you feel no pain. Pressure sensations, vibrations and touch are all expected but do not cause discomfort.
What can I expect during my pre-operative evaluation?
Your vision and refraction will be measured in several ways with and without drops. The drops used during this evaluation are stronger that the typical eye drops used in a “routine examination”, and your vision will be blurry up close and your eyes sensitive to light for about 12 hours. The front surface of your eye will be examined with a microscope and computer to ensure you are a candidate for the procedure. An examination of the eye will also be performed to ensure there are no other ocular conditions that would interfere with the procedure. An in depth “informed consent” will be given to ensure you understand the procedure and the possible complications
What kind of experience do your doctors have?
Dr. Ahdieh is a board-certified ophthalmologist (American Board of Ophthalmology) specializing in cataracts, glaucoma, LASIK Laser vision correction, and corneal specialty care. He has been performing LASIK surgery since 2010. He has staff privileges at Lehigh Valley Hospital, St. Luke’s Hospital, Lehigh Valley Hospital, and the Surgery Center of Allentown.
How is LASIK performed?
Your eye is anesthetized with drops to ensure you do not feel the procedure. Two small marks which disappear in a few hours are placed on your cornea. A suction ring is placed on the eye to secure the eye and maintain pressure while a corneal flap is created. A Microkeratome is used to create a thin corneal flap. The corneal flap is inspected by the surgeon. If any abnormality is noted the procedure could be aborted and reattempted. The corneal flap is laid back to expose the treatment area. The prescribed laser treatment is applied. The treatment area is cleaned and the corneal flap is closed. A short period of a minute or two is observed to ensure the flap is sealed.
Can you guarantee me 20/20 vision?
No. No honest surgeon can guarantee you 20/20 vision after the surgery. In our experience we have had results of better than 20/20 vision (20/15), and most with vision 20/20 to 20/40 (20/40 vision will pass a driver’s test in Pennsylvania).
I would like to have the procedure done. Can I walk into your office and have it done today?
No. There are some pre-operative procedures that must be completed beforehand. If you are over 40 it is important that you understand that to date PRK OR LASIK cannot correct the need to wear glasses for reading (presbyopia). The tests that must be completed before your refractive surgery procedure are:
Eye History & Examination (previous examinations or your current glasses should be obtained to determine if your prescription is stable.)
Corneal topography – a topographical map of your eyes
Pachymetry – a measurement of the thickness of your corneal to determine if the surgery is possible
Hard and gas permeable contact lenses should be removed 3 weeks prior to testing
Soft contact lenses should be removed 1 week prior to testing
What's the difference between LASIK and PRK?
PRK and LASIK are both effective surgical procedures for correcting nearsightedness, astigmatism, and farsightedness. The top layer of cells are removed using PRK exposing the treatment area, while LASIK involves making a flap from these cells to expose the area. The end results are very similar, it’s just a matter of how and when they are achieved.
PRK has a higher risk of residual cornea haze though the rate is still very low
There is less discomfort after LASIK
The final result is quicker with LASIK
Less postoperative drops are usually required for LASIK
Does insurance cover laser vision correction?
There are very few, if any, insurance companies that currently cover the surgery. Most consider LASER vision correction to be cosmetic or part of normal vision care (which usually isn’t covered). Some vision plans provide a discount for LASIK. To allow you to pay for your procedure over time, we offer financing options with approved credit.